Young and ambitious, two of my main assets are my analytical skills and my communication skills. After having worked 4 years as SME's Manager, I looked for a new challenge. I'm currently working for Bisnode Belgium, European leader in direct and data marketing. Keep reading it gets more interesting!
Bisnode gave me the opportunity to have contact with the most important and successful companies of Belgium. Every day there is a new challenge for those companies and my role was to help marketing managers, sales directors or financial directors to take the right decision.
February 2011 to Mars 2013, Management of the operational team, 15 people. I was in charge of project from 8.000€ to 350.000 € from the beginning to the delivery of the project. April 2013 till Mai 2015, BTOB and BTOC commercial and sales manager. Working as manager of an SME, I had multiple management tasks (ea. Buying negotiation, accountancy, day to day management).
Attended Le Wagon AMSTERDAM (Batch # BATCH_25). 12-week intensive coding bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails. Designed, Implemented and Shipped to production a clone of AirBnB and a Rails prototype of a startup project of mine. Le Wagon is active in Amsterdam since the end of 2015. but also, in Brussel, London, Lisbone, Coppenhaege, Paris, etc...
Master in Sciences of Management Graduated in 2012 with distinction
Obtained the Cambridge University certificate, level Advanced after one year of study in Sydney (Australia)